Saving Electricity home As seen in Newsweek, Forbes, NPR, the Christian Science Monitor, CNET, PC Magazine, InfoWorld, and everywhere else. About  
Rebates & Tax Credits
for U.S. consumers

Incentives for installing insulation and for buying energy-efficient appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners are often available from local and state governments and utilities. You can see what's available at DSIRE,, and Energy Star.

Related sites:

Home Power Magazine. All about renewable energy for the home.

No-Impact Man. Blog about a family striving to have no net impact. (i.e., What little they use, they offset.) Inspirational.

Off-Grid. News and resources about living without being connected to a utility company.

Mr. Electricity in the news:

"Michael Bluejay runs the outstanding Saving Electricity site that I've mentioned many times before." —J.D. Roth, Get Rich Slowly

  • Deep Green (book) by Jenny Nazak, 2018
  • Small Steps, Big Strides: Building Sustainability Habits at Home (book), Lucinda F. Brown, 2016
  • How much money you'll save with these common energy-saving strategies, Lifehacker, Sep. 28, 2015
  • Radio interview about saving electricity, Newstalk 1010 (Toronto), April 21, 2015
  • How much does your PC cost in electricity?, PC Mech, Nov 21, 2013
  • How Much Electricity Do Your Gadgets Really Use?, Forbes, Sep. 7, 2013
  • Can my bicycle power my toaster?, Grist, June 10, 2013
  • Six summer debt traps and how to avoid them, Main St, June 5, 2013
  • To convert to gas or electric?, Marketplace Radio (NPR), July 20, 2012
  • 8 Simple Ways to Reduce Household Waste, Living Green Magazine, June 29, 2012
  • Why is my electric bill so high?, New York Daily News, Mar. 27, 2012
  • Fight the Power, CTV (Canada's largest private broadcaster), Mar. 23, 2012
  • How to Cut Your Electric Bill, Business Insider, Mar. 20, 2012
  • Tips to save energy when using your computer, WPLG Channel 10 (Miami, FL), Feb. 23, 2012
  • How long will it take an energy-efficient washer/dryer to pay for itself?, Christian Science Monitor, Oct. 29, 2011
  • 10 Easy Ways to Lower Your Electric Bill, Forbes, August 23, 2011
  • 18 ways to save on utility bills, AARP, July 9, 2011
  • How to Save $500 Worth of Energy This Summer, TIME magazine, June 28, 2011
  • Hot over the energy bill? Turn off the A/C, just chill, Chicago Tribune, June 24, 2011
  • Cool Site of the Day, Kim Komando (syndicated radio host), May 29, 2011
  • This calculator shows how much you spend washing clothes, Lifehacker, May 6, 2011
  • What you pay when you're away, WCPO Channel 9 (Cincinatti), May 5, 2011
  • Spotting energy gluttons in your home, Chicago Tribune (CA), Apr. 7, 2011
  • Walnut Creek author has tips for livng a thrifty life, Contra Costa Times (CA), Jan. 24, 2011
  • Do space heaters save money and energy?, Mother Jones, Jan. 10, 2011
  • Energy steps to take for a less pricey winter, Reuters, Nov. 10, 2010
  • Should you shut down your computer or put it to sleep?, Mother Jones, Nov. 1, 2010
  • Energy saving tips for fall, Chicago Tribune & Seattle Times Nov. 7, 2010
  • 10 ways to save money on your utility bill, Yahoo! Finance, Oct. 2, 2010
  • Mr. Electricity Ranks Refrigerators & Electrical Wasters, Green Building Elements, Sep. 8, 2010
  • The case against long-distance relationships, Slate, Sep. 3, 2010
  • 10 household items that are bleeding you dry, Times Daily (Florence, AL), July 27, 2010
  • Cold, hard cash, Kansas City Star, June 22, 10
  • Stretch your dollar, not your budget, Globe and Mail, May 18, 2010
  • Auto abstinence, onearth magazine, Winter 2010
  • 2010 Frugal Living Guide,
  • Energy-saving schemes yield €5.8m in savings, Times of Malta, Dec. 20, 09
  • Four ways to reduce your PC's carbon footprint, CNET, Dec 2, 09
  • The day I hit the brakes, onearth magazine, Fall 2009
  • How Much Do You Really Save By Air-Drying Your Clothes?, The Simple Dollar, 2010
  • Enjoy the mild weather, low electricity bills, Detroit Free Press, Jul 18, 09
  • The most energy-efficient way to heat a cup of water, Christian Science Monitor, Jun 16, 09
  • Ten ways to save energy, Times of Malta, Jan 3, 09
  • Measuring your green IT baseline, InfoWorld, Sep 4, 08
  • Bald Brothers Breakfast (MP3), ABC Adelaide, March 27, 2007
  • Net Interest, Newsweek, Feb 12, 07
  • The Power Hungry Digital Lifestyle, PC Magazine, Sep 4, 07
  • Net Interest, Newsweek, Feb 12, 07
  • Answers to all your electricity questions, Treehugger, Jul 11, 08
  • Going Green, Monsters and Critics, Jan 6, 2007
  • A hunt for energy hogs, Wall Street Journal Online, Dec 18, 06

  • Sorry, no more electricity questions accepted.

    I'm sorry, I'm not accepting any more questions (or offering any kind of advice) to the general public. Period.

    I'm happy to answer questions for the media (only), who are welcome to use the menu below.

    And of course, I welcome any information you want to share.

    My websites have exploded in popularity and it's impossible (not inconvenient, but impossible) for me to reply to even a fraction of those who want to ask me something. I'm sorry, I can't help you, so please don't send questions or requests for help of any kind.

    I do not want your crappy guest post, "sponsored article", or worthless infographic.  My site is not a toy for you to play search engine games with.

    If you didn't suck at SEO you wouldn't have to cold-call websites to peddle your services.  And my search rankings are already way better than yours anyway, so why would I hire you?

    I do NOT trade links.

    I will NOT trade links with you. Do not ask. Link trading is stupid and offensive. You're basically telling me, "Hi, your site sucks. If I thought it would benefit my readers then I would have linked to it already. But I want a link to my site so I'm willing to link to your crappy site if you link to mine. My site is pretty sorry also, and I know you wouldn't link to it unless you were getting a return link." More info here.

    I won't join your affiliate program.  I'm not interested.

    I don't sell advertising on this site.  You can't buy it.

    Why would I want to buy advertising for a site that's already killing it in the SERPs?  I don't buy advertising.

    Help for reporters/journalists

    • Contact info appears below, but you really should read this section first before sending your inquiry.
    • Many reporters misunderstand energy figures and concepts and make errors in their articles, sometimes very serious ones. I offer to review your article for accuracy before it's published. This is a free service, you might as well take advantage of it.
    • You should absolutely review the How to Misquote this Website page before writing.
    • If you're on a deadline and haven't heard back from me because I'm busy, you're welcome to quote anything from this website without confirming with me first.
    • Many journalists ask me how they should refer to me. Below is how others have done it:
      • "The home-energy-savings wizard Michael Bluejay has some great insulation tips..." (Mother Jones)
      • "According to Michael Bluejay, A.K.A. Mr. Electricity..." (Forbes)
      • "Michael Bluejay, who runs a popular electricity-saving website..." (Chicago Tribune)
      • " online energy adviser Michael Bluejay (aka Mr. Electricity) points out..." (Chicago Tribune)
      • "...independent electricity maven Michael Bluejay's website..." (Chicago Tribune)
      • "...says Michael Bluejay, author of a website about saving electricity." (Christian Science Monitor)
      • "Michael Bluejay does a lot of home energy math." (NPR Marketplace Radio)
      • "...according to the energy-saving calculator at, a website that offers electricity-savings advice." (Reuters)
      • "Michael Bluejay, the famous 'Mr. Electricity,' says that by replacing ten 60-watt conventional light bulbs..." (Business Insider)
    • Articles my work have been referenced in are listed below.
    • Members of the media ONLY can contact me at (512) 402-4364 or email.

    I'm sorry, I'm not accepting ANY more questions for this website, except for the media.

    Please DO NOT SEND any question of any sort, for any reason, whatsoever, period.

    I can't be clearer about this. Thank you.

    Review samples. I'm afraid I'm too busy to accept samples for review.

    Power factor devices. If you're a consumer and want to know what I think about devices that purport to save energy by improving the power factor, see my power factor page.

    Other products. If you want to let me know about some other energy-saving product (NOT a power factor product), here's my address to let me know.  Note that due to my email volume I can't answer any questions about products, including my opinion of them or availability.

    Electric rates differ from provider to provider. Not everyone in your state pays the exact same rate for electricity, just like no one pays the exact same price for a loaf of bread. What's listed in the calculator is an average for the state. All this is explained in the calculator.

    My email address is available only to those who have information to share.

    Please do not send any type of question or ask for any type of advice, period.

    Now, if you have information to share, not ask, then click the last word of this sentence for my address.

    I'm sorry, but questions and requests for help go straight to the trash. Please don't waste your time, or mine.

    Thanks aren't necessary, I'm just glad to help.  My sites get thousands of visitors a day, and when even a fraction of them send me personal thanks, then that's a lot of extra mail for me—and I already have several thousand messages in my In Box.  So I appreciate your wanting to thank me personally, but it isn't necessary.  I know you liked it, because every day more and more people talk it up on messageboards and link to it, so your good wishes successfully made it to me in spirit anyway.  (That's the best way you can thank me, by the way, by promoting the site.)  And even though I don't know who you are, I wrote this note for you, so consider that we shared something special together in this little paragraph.

    Google picks the ads, not me. They change all the time, too.  Though frankly, I don't care what ads Google picks.  I'd like to have enough faith in my fellow humans that they can understand the difference between editorial and advertising, and that they treat the latter with a little more skepticism.  If people are really so stupid that they accept what's presented in an ad without question, then humanity has a lot bigger problems than the fact that Michael Bluejay's website contains some of those ads.  Anyway, if an ad really troubles you, feel free to not click on it.
    I'm sorry, but you're predictable. All the mail I get from deniers follows the same pattern. The sender either makes incredibly broad, incredibly ludricous statements as though they were fact (e.g., "climate change is a hoax"), with no supporting evidence, or else refers me to articles whose claims have already been exhaustively debunked elsewhere.  Naturally, both styles are exceptionally unconvincing.

    The writers also assume that I simply haven't been exposed to the other side, and that sending me a few links to discredited articles is going to wow me over.  It never occurs to them that I've likely already read the articles in question (or similar ones, since the same arguments are repeated over and over).  You have to read both sides of an issue to understand it well, and I'm well-read on the opposing side.  That's more than I can say about the deniers, for sure.

    Also, most mail I get from deniers, as opposed to other mail I get, contains horrible misspellings or grammar.  It's very telling to me that denier mail has that characteristic (which should tell you something, though I doubt it will).  But in any event, if you cannot write at even a high school level then you simply cannot expect me to take you seriously. (And it might also occur to you that if you can't write at a basic level, then scientists might actually be a little smarter than you are, and they might understand science a little better, too.)

    So anyway, if you want to argue with me, you'll first need to look up how your particular argument(s) have been addressed on my climate change page and elsewhere, and then present your case taking into account the criticism of your argument(s) that you found.  If you don't do this, then you can't expect me to engage.  (I don't promise to engage every time anyway, due to the volume of mail I get, but if you fail to attempt to explain away the extant critiques of your article, then you definitely don't get to engage me.)  To write me about climate change, taking into account the above instructions, click on the last word of this sentence.
    You almost certainly chose the wrong option.  When I offered my email address for this option, 100% of senders had chosen it wrongly.  So, please go back and look for the right option.  If it's truly not listed, use the "I have info to share" option, and mention in your message that the option you wanted wasn't available.

    Mr. Electricity in the news:

    "Michael Bluejay runs the outstanding Saving Electricity site that I've mentioned many times before." —J.D. Roth, Get Rich Slowly

  • Deep Green (book) by Jenny Nazak, 2018
  • Small Steps, Big Strides: Building Sustainability Habits at Home (book), Lucinda F. Brown, 2016
  • How much money you'll save with these common energy-saving strategies, Lifehacker, Sep. 28, 2015
  • Radio interview about saving electricity, Newstalk 1010 (Toronto), April 21, 2015
  • How much does your PC cost in electricity?, PC Mech, Nov 21, 2013
  • How Much Electricity Do Your Gadgets Really Use?, Forbes, Sep. 7, 2013
  • Can my bicycle power my toaster?, Grist, June 10, 2013
  • Six summer debt traps and how to avoid them, Main St, June 5, 2013
  • To convert to gas or electric?, Marketplace Radio (NPR), July 20, 2012
  • 8 Simple Ways to Reduce Household Waste, Living Green Magazine, June 29, 2012
  • Why is my electric bill so high?, New York Daily News, Mar. 27, 2012
  • Fight the Power, CTV (Canada's largest private broadcaster), Mar. 23, 2012
  • How to Cut Your Electric Bill, Business Insider, Mar. 20, 2012
  • Tips to save energy when using your computer, WPLG Channel 10 (Miami, FL), Feb. 23, 2012
  • How long will it take an energy-efficient washer/dryer to pay for itself?, Christian Science Monitor, Oct. 29, 2011
  • 10 Easy Ways to Lower Your Electric Bill, Forbes, August 23, 2011
  • 18 ways to save on utility bills, AARP, July 9, 2011
  • How to Save $500 Worth of Energy This Summer, TIME magazine, June 28, 2011
  • Hot over the energy bill? Turn off the A/C, just chill, Chicago Tribune, June 24, 2011
  • Cool Site of the Day, Kim Komando (syndicated radio host), May 29, 2011
  • This calculator shows how much you spend washing clothes, Lifehacker, May 6, 2011
  • What you pay when you're away, WCPO Channel 9 (Cincinatti), May 5, 2011
  • Spotting energy gluttons in your home, Chicago Tribune (CA), Apr. 7, 2011
  • Walnut Creek author has tips for livng a thrifty life, Contra Costa Times (CA), Jan. 24, 2011
  • Do space heaters save money and energy?, Mother Jones, Jan. 10, 2011
  • Energy steps to take for a less pricey winter, Reuters, Nov. 10, 2010
  • Should you shut down your computer or put it to sleep?, Mother Jones, Nov. 1, 2010
  • Energy saving tips for fall, Chicago Tribune & Seattle Times Nov. 7, 2010
  • 10 ways to save money on your utility bill, Yahoo! Finance, Oct. 2, 2010
  • Mr. Electricity Ranks Refrigerators & Electrical Wasters, Green Building Elements, Sep. 8, 2010
  • The case against long-distance relationships, Slate, Sep. 3, 2010
  • 10 household items that are bleeding you dry, Times Daily (Florence, AL), July 27, 2010
  • Cold, hard cash, Kansas City Star, June 22, 10
  • Stretch your dollar, not your budget, Globe and Mail, May 18, 2010
  • Auto abstinence, onearth magazine, Winter 2010
  • 2010 Frugal Living Guide,
  • Energy-saving schemes yield €5.8m in savings, Times of Malta, Dec. 20, 09
  • Four ways to reduce your PC's carbon footprint, CNET, Dec 2, 09
  • The day I hit the brakes, onearth magazine, Fall 2009
  • How Much Do You Really Save By Air-Drying Your Clothes?, The Simple Dollar, 2010
  • Enjoy the mild weather, low electricity bills, Detroit Free Press, Jul 18, 09
  • The most energy-efficient way to heat a cup of water, Christian Science Monitor, Jun 16, 09
  • Ten ways to save energy, Times of Malta, Jan 3, 09
  • Measuring your green IT baseline, InfoWorld, Sep 4, 08
  • Bald Brothers Breakfast (MP3), ABC Adelaide, March 27, 2007
  • Net Interest, Newsweek, Feb 12, 07
  • The Power Hungry Digital Lifestyle, PC Magazine, Sep 4, 07
  • Net Interest, Newsweek, Feb 12, 07
  • Answers to all your electricity questions, Treehugger, Jul 11, 08
  • Going Green, Monsters and Critics, Jan 6, 2007
  • A hunt for energy hogs, Wall Street Journal Online, Dec 18, 06