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    Beginner's Guides

    Vegetarian Cookbooks

    Babies, Kids, and Parenting

    Vegetarian Nutrition

    Environmental Benefits of Vegetarianism

    Environmental Benefits of Vegetarianism

    Diet for a New America is considered by many to be the bible of vegetarianism because it's both incredibly comprehensive and deeply moving. While some vegetarian books cover only factory farming, or health & nutrition, or the environmental benefits of vegetarian diets, Robbins covers all three topics. What's more, the content has been meticulously researched, with Robbins offering dozens of pages of complete footnotes. Find out how meat production is responsible for the destruction of forests, increased pesticide use, water pollution, waste of food, and more. Diet for a New America has been credited with launching the second wave of vegetarianism in the U.S. when it was published (and nominated for a Pulitzer) in 1987. It's still timely today. If you read one book this year, read this one. Read excerpt or $2.00

    Beyond Beef: The Rise & Fall of the Cattle Culture, by Jeremy Rifkin

    "A brilliant and devastating examination and indictment of the cattle culture that has come to shape and warp our world. Rifkin shows how the love affair with beef has led to increased hunger, disease, and environmental devastation. This persuasive book should be an urgent warning to everyone who cares about the fate of the earth." . $0.96

    Mad Cowboy: Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won't Eat Meat by Howard Lyman

    When former cattle rancher Howard Lyman appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 1996 to share his insider view of the danger of Mad Cow Disease spreading to this country, his revelations about the beef industry prompted a group of Texas cattlemen to file a lawsuit charging Lyman and the talk show host with "food disparagement." That wasn't enough to silence Howard Lyman, and in this stirring account of his journey from meat-loving cowboy to vegetarian environmental activist, he tells the whole truth about the catastrophic consequences of an animal-based diet.

    Lyman is well aware of what goes into our livestock -- high doses of pesticides, growth hormone, and the ground-up remains of other animals. A fourth-generation Montana farmer, he regularly doused his cattle and soil with chemicals. It was only when he narrowly escaped paralysis from a spinal tumor that Lyman began to question his vocation and the effect it was having on people and on the land he loved. The questions he raised and the answers he found led him, surprisingly, to adopt a vegetarian diet. As a result, he lost 130 pounds and lowered his cholesterol by more than 150 points. He is now one of America's leading spokesmen for vegetarianism.

    Along the way, Lyman learned even more about the alarming dangers associated with eating meat. Here he blasts through the propaganda of the beef and dairy industries (and the government agencies that often protect them) and exposes an animal-based diet as the primary cause of cancer, heart disease, and obesity in this country. In a powerful and original voice, he warns that our livestock industry has repeated the mistakes that led to Mad Cow Disease in England while it simultaneously visits frightful, lasting damage on our environment.

    Persuasive, straightforward, and full of the down-home good humor and optimism of a son of the soil, Mad Cowboy is both an inspirational story of personal transformation and a convincing call to action for a plant-based diet -- for the good of the planet and the health of us all. $1.35

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