Thank you to everyone who voted on the choices for the domain name for the new website. Based on the polling, I will probably be going with, but might possible choose instead. Below is the background on the new site.
I'm starting a new website to make it easier for people to make donations to nonprofits, and I need help choosing a domain name.
I hope you'll
let me know which domain names you think are best by voting at right. But first, let me
explain about the new site.
On my new site, donors will be able to give to many groups simultaneously with one click, and they'll won't get any junk mail as a result of their donation. That solves these problems with charitable donations that donors would otherwise face:
Domain names already taken (domain must be available in both .com and .org) Names in italics were suggested by voters. |
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helpgood helpal helphere helpingbetter helpinggood helpingmore helppal here2help idonate idonation idonations idonor igift igifting igifts igive igiver igiving ihelp ihelping ishare isharing kindhearts > letsdonate letsgive lovinghearts makeitcount mygift nicegift nicegifts nicegive nicehelp nicehelper niceshare nicesharing omnigive oneclickgive openhands payforward payitforward powerdonate powergift powergifts |
powergiver powerhelp powerhelper powershare powersharing privatedonate privatedonation privatedonations privatedonor privategift privategifting privategifts privategive privategiver privategiving safedonate safedonation safedonations safedonor safegift safegifting safegifts safegive safegiving safeshare safesharing secretgive shareapp sharegood sharepad sharepal sharinggood sharinghq |
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Photo for the masthead courtesy of Photos 8.