- Welcome
- You didn't just get a place to live, you're a part
owner and member
- Your main responsibilities are:
- Paying your room charges
- Doing your housework
- Attending house meetings
- See the ICC Owner's Manual which complements this
- What is ICC? (the nine houses, the 189 members, the
board, the office/staff)
- Brief history (why we have a central
- Pay room charges first
- Get a key
- Ask for help with moving in from housemates
- Help yourself to anything in the kitchen (besides
Cooks' and Personal)
- Your room is probably wired for Internet, and there's
probably a house computer
- See your house manual (printed or online) for
information about how your house works
- You're a full member the minute you move in, and no
one who's been there longer than you is more important
than you
- What the board of directors is, and what kinds of
things they decide
- Who's on it
- Your board rep is your important link to the
- ECC (The Coordinators)
- Where does your money go? (24% Mortgage/Leases, 18%
Food, 15% Maintenance, 12% Utilities, 19% Staff, 10%
Advertising, Education, Savings)
- Who plans the budget and when
- How room rates are set
- The #1 key to making ICC affordable is to keep the
houses full
- Automatically added to iccForum, openForum, and your
house list
- Remove yourself from or add yourself to any list on
the website
- Limit of one post per day per person on ICC-wide
Simple, fast list of available resources:
- An Academic Year calendar
- How to paint your room
- Tips for how to run the first meeting of the
- Labor Holiday ideas
- How to handle the interim period between
- House manuals
- How to use your house's own webspace on the ICC
- A way to get on or off any ICC email list
- A place to upload files you want to share with other
- Information about ICC Scholarships
- Contact information for each house, each officer at
each house, every board member, and every committee
- A list of all ICC committees along with contact
- House officer job descriptions
- A complete list of all ICC rules and policies,
including the alcohol at parties policy and procedures
for membership review
& Food
- What you do affects everybody
- Cleaning up after yourself
- Zero food in sinks
- The Jackson: It's not a dishwasher, don't put
wood-handled knives in it
- Hang up items like serving spoons instead of running
them through the Jackson
- Hang pots on the inside
- Cast iron: Don't soak, don't use soap, lightly
- Refill water and juice containers when you take the
- Don't open a new container of something when the
existing container isn't all used up
- Don't put hot foods into plastic containers (heat
leaches plastic chemicals), and don't microwave plastic
when cooking for the house
- Don't leave sharp objects like knives and food
processor blades ling around
- Clean thoroughly when cleaning
- Recycling: What's recyclable, what's not
- Many co-ops, here and locally, have suffered serious
- When a co-op burns, co-opers don't just lose their
belongings and possibly their pets, but their room rates
go up too to cover the cost
- How to prevent fires
- Why they're important: Participating in meetings is
one of the main ways you contribute to your house, just
like doing your labor
- Houses are happier and more harmonious when decisions
are made by the greatest number of people
- If members don't have any interest in managing their
house, it might as well not even be a co-op
- What kinds of things are decided at meetings
- How to get a proposal onto the agenda
- Typical agenda for a house meeting
- How a bill becomes a law
- Use twinklies to express agreement, but don't use any
hand gesture to express disagreement, which is rude. Wait
your turn to speak instead.
Labor /
- When and how labor positions are chosen
- What to do if you know you can't do your labor
- Consequences of not doing labor
- Elected at the beginning of the semester
- Anyone can run
- The positions:
- Board Representative
- Trustee
- Membership Officer (sometimes combined with
- Treasurer
- Kitchen Manager(s)
- Education Officer
- Labor Czar / Lovemaker
- Officer reports at house meetings keep you informed
and are how you hold your house officers accountable
- How much your house gets (~$110/mo.)
- House has both a Checking Account and a Savings
- Savings Account does not grow unless the Treasurer
specifically moves unspent food money into it
- ICC pays for things like utilities and major
- Kitchen Managers can authorize food spending
- The Maintenance Officer usually has a small
maintenance budget, spent from the checking account
- In some houses any two officers together can approve
spending of $25 or less.
- For all other spending a house vote is required
- Write on the Maintenance Request sheet if something's
- If the Maintenance Officer can't help you they'll ask
you to fill out a Maintenance Request Form on the ICC
- Don't fill out the form on the website until you've
talked to your house Maintenance Officer.
- Never request routine maintenance from the ICC
Facilities person by phone or email, unless it's an
emergency. Use the website form instead, and then only
after talking to your house M.O.
- Most problems between members can be resolved through
- When that fails, or when the problem is very serious,
members can call a Membership Review meeting
- An outside facilitator runs the meeting. The problems
are stated, and the member under review can respond to
- The house can choose to take no action, or can put
the member on probation, or can make the member move out,
or can come up with any other kind of creative
- If a member has to move out then they still have to
pay their room charges, otherwise anyone who wanted to
get out of their contract would just cause problems so
they'd get kicked out.
- Any three members or certain combinations of two
members or officers can call for a membership
- More details about the Membership Review process are
listed on the ICC website
- Don't rush to proposal
- Food (use the food request list, talk to the kitchen
- Maintenance (use the maintenance request sheet, talk
to the maintenance officer)
- Another member not doing labor (write on the Labor
board if your house has one, talk to the Labor Czar)
- Room charges (talk to the office)
- Creepy people (if they're not visiting a house
member, kick them out)
- Interpersonal problems (get the Trustee to help
things at the ICC level
- Get your board rep to carry a proposal
- Run for a board position
- Members can overturn board decisions via
(purposefully incomplete)
- The #1 way to keep ICC affordable is to keep the
houses full
- 20% of your room charges goes towards food
- Kick creepy people out
- Don't burn your house down
- Go to meetings
- Don't put food in the sink
- Laura is always touching Don's butt