Paul Odekirk dismisses Jerry Chamkis' concerns
In a public email exchange on KOOP's listserver, Jerry Chamkis mentioned that KOOP (specifically, the Board of Trustees) has a problem with lack of accountability. Paul Odekirk, ever the defender of the Board which has supported his own power, asked Jerry to cite any specific accountability problems with KOOP. So Jerry gave a splendid example. Paul immediately dismissed Jerry's example and asked him AGAIN for an example, as though Jerry hadn't provided one!
In the big picture of what's going on at KOOP, this is admittedly a minor issue. But it's an excellent example of how the board and their supporters routinely dismiss any concerns brought to them by the membership.
Date: 12/18/97 6:46 PM From: To:
[After Jerry posted about lack of accountability at KOOP.]
I'd like to hear specific problems with accountablility you've encountered at KOOP.
Date: 12/18/97 6:46 PM From: jerry chamkis, To: CC:
Dear Paul-
Well, let's take the issue that has made me a pariah at KOOP. I believe Aida has responded in an absolutely brutal way to reasonable and legitimate questions from member-volunteers of KOOP. Because I have criticized specific actions of an individual, I have been branded a racist and sexist. I have made every imaginable effort to sit down with her-with or without a mediator and been refused. I arranged a meeting with another member of the BoT to discuss my treatment by the board and learned that he had a very firm opinion of my behavior but had not listened to the tape I distributed of Aida's responses. I offered him a copy of the tape to no avail. I'd call that a lack of accountability.
Date: 12/19/97 4:47 AM From: Bananaboy, To: jerry chamkis, CC: General,
You yourself said that the problems between you and Aida were personal problems and not KOOP problems. [not true] You can't blame the board or charge lack of accountability and then say this has nothing to do with KOOP.
Again I ask for specific problems you have with KOOP.