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Judging Credibility

We realize you're going to hear two sides to this story, because although those of us who are calling for new station leadership are the clear majority, we don't have the loudest voice. Paul Odekirk in particular (a BoT apologist) seems to be a one-man P.R. machine. Faced with conflicting information and without knowing them or us, you may have a hard time deciding which side is telling the truth. That's a valid concern and we recognize that, so here are some salient points which may help you judge our credibility:


Throughout this site, we back up what we're saying by referencing actual votes taken by various bodies of the station to demonstrate their true positions, by quoting actual email exchanges, by quoting actual statements by various people transcribed from permanent audiocassette recordings, and by offering RealAudio clips of official meetings. We're not content just to tell you that something is a certain way, we intend to prove it as well. On the other hand, you'll find that the BoT and their few supporters often make sweeping accusations without offering any evidence -- because usually, there isn't any. When we first put this site up, we predicted that Paul Odekirk, Eduardo Vera, and maybe even the board would refer to this website as "misinformation", without ever specifying what's supposedly wrong, and refusing to provide any examples when asked. And that's exactly what happened! When they DO make specific allegations against us, they're either severely inaccurate or completely fabricated. That's why we provide a comprehensive response to their charges on this site. We have nothing to hide.


Paul Odekirk & Eduardo Vera are the principal apologists for the BoT, and the ones you will most likely hear defending the BoT and attacking those of us who are trying to save the station. Contained on this website are ample examples of Paul & Eduardo's inflammatory attacks on KOOP members and serious misstatements of facts. After reading their verbatim statements, you may have a hard time placing much faith in their positions.


We're not the only ones who think the board of trustees should go. Both the Austin Chronicle and the Austin American-Statesman have editorialized that the board needs to be replaced. And there's a tremendous amount of community support for our position, including statements of support offered to us, as well as letters to the newspapers.


You don't have to take our word for it. Come to a station meeting, which happens at 7:00 on the first Monday of every month, or a board of trustees meeting. (Call the station at 472-1369 to verify the time, date, and location. And make sure you don't talk to Eduardo Vera, since he falsely told at least one caller that a membership meeting was canceled because he wants to limit participation in KOOP.) At nearly every meeting in recent history you would have been able to see:

  • The overwhelming majority of volunteer staff opposing the actions of the BoT;
  • The BoT ignoring the concerns raised by the majority of members present;
  • Eduardo Vera dismissing our concerns by saying that the Board is accountable to an undefined "community", so it can ignore the concerns of members and the volunteers who are actually doing the work of keeping the station going.